Does My Child Need A Summer Tutor?

kid in summer

Spring is in full swing and now is the optimal time to begin the summer planning for your child.  As you plan your vacations and summer camps, do not forget to include tutoring in your summer plans. Implementing a tutor can be the game changer for the upcoming school year.

kid in summer

I consult with parents daily and oftentimes I am asked:

“How do I know if my child needs a tutor for the summer?”

Many students need a summer tutor, so keep reading to find out if your child may be a good fit a for summer tutoring program.

5 Students Who Need a Summer Tutor

Struggling Students:

This is the most obvious, but if your child is struggling with a particular subject or is below grade level in every aspect of school, then it’s time to get them up to speed. Over the summer, a tutor can work with your child on any or all academic subjects. Sessions would focus entirely on the areas of need: summer time would give your child the time they need to practice and strengthen the academic skill. This would give them an advantage for a strong start in the fall.

Middle Schoolers & High Schoolers:

Middle and high school students are dealing with some big transitions. Putting some extra time into tutoring can help them develop time management and organizational skills so that they don’t fall behind. Tutors can focus specifically on developing organizational, time management, and planning skills.

Students With Summer Homework:

Does your child have a summer homework packet? Does your child need to complete summer reading? Tutors can minimize the stress in the home by guiding and supporting the summer homework process. No need to fight with your child anymore; allow a tutor to help support, guide, and motivate your child all summer long!

Students Prepping for Big Tests:

Is your child taking the SAT or ACT in the fall? Is your child planning on applying to a private school in the fall? Your child would benefit from some test prep over the summer.  A test prep program is tailored to your child’s learning style, needs, and strengths. It will help your child feel more confident when taking the actual test.

Students Who Want to Skip Summer Reading:

Does your child resist you when you tell them to read a book over the summer? Or does your child’s required summer read take forever to get started let alone completed? Working with a tutor over the summer can help minimize this stress. A summer tutor will work together with your child to read, discuss, motivate and bring the story to life. A summer reading tutor will motivate, inspire, and foster a love of reading.

Most students will benefit from a summer tutor. A summer tutor will keep your child engaged, motivated and it will give them a strong start in the fall.

Learn more about our summer tutoring programs or contact us for more information.

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Our free consultation is the first step in getting your child a tutor. Let’s talk today!

Why Choose Team Tutor?

Team tutor believes that all students can learn. Our tutors are rooted in that belief and our personalized tutoring programs are designed with that in mind.

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Team Tutor collaborates with schools, offering customized tutoring programs for students. We function as an extension of your school, embracing a transparent and openly collaborative educational approach.


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