5 Reasons Why Reading With Your Children Is So Important

Girl Reading on the Grass

reading tutoring

Reading with your children is very important because it increases overall oral reading fluency, builds vocabulary development and improves overall comprehension skills. Children who are read to are more likely to be successful in school.

Did you know there are other reasons why reading is so important?  

These reasons are not measured by data and or classroom observations; however, these reasons may have a deeper impact on your child.

Why Reading To Your Children Is So Important…..

Discover New Adventures:

Together, you and your child, will explore a new world or time period. You will discover new adventures without leaving your home. This magical time of exploration and adventure is priceless.

Build a Bond:

While reading with your child, your bond will strengthen. The adventures of a story will make you laugh, smile or cry. These emotions will bring you closer and will allow you to experience many moments of joy together.

Reduce Stress:

Reading with your child will help you reduce your stress as well as the stress your child may be going through. Reading relaxes and allows you to escape from your day-to-day worries.

Spark the Imagination & Creativity:

The time spent reading together will reenergize both you and your child. It will evoke creativity and imagination.

Ignite Conversations:

While reading together, an amazing thing will happen, a conversation. In today’s busy world of sports, school and technology, conversations with your child are often shortened or taken for granted.  However, reading together ignites conversations, which is immeasurable.

As a parent of three children, I personally find reading to be a wonderful way to bond with each of my children. Not only do they receive undivided attention from me, but I gain as much of the above benefits as they do.

What other benefits do you gain from reading with your children?

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