Project Planning for your Elementary Aged Child

My twin second graders came home this week with a math project that is due in 2 weeks. The goal of this project is to find photos of 13 different shapes: solid figures & plane shapes. The teacher has an extensive rubric clearly outlined for this project. My girls were very excited to start this project but they seemed a little overwhelmed at first with the scope of it all. We sat together at our dining room table and broke down the project in small tangible tasks. They not only took ownership in this process but they eagerly got started.

Here are some tips that have worked for us that can help make a big project a little less intimidating for your elementary aged child.

1. Post the project due date on your family calendar. (Bright colors are best!)
2. Rewrite the steps in a simple and clear list format so they can check off when they have completed each task. (This helps promote independence!)
3. Set a schedule for each task and also put these dates on your family calendar.
4. Designate a special project folder and place it in your “homework bin”. This will keep the project organized.

I hope you find these tips helpful. These will sure make any project a little stressful for you and your child! Happy Learning!

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