What is The Wilson Reading Program? Some Quick Answers

The Wilson Reading Program has become a popular phonics based reading intervention program in many schools in the area. The Wilson Reading Program originally was developed to help students with Dyslexia, a learning disability which makes learning to read more challenging. Over the years educators have found the Wilson method to be successful with all students who are struggling with reading.

Early Elementary- Fundations

If your child is currently in kindergarten through third grade. They may have a part of their reading class period designated for “Fundations.” This is the Wilson Reading Company’s foundational reading, spelling, and writing curriculum. The idea of the program is to make the foundation of reading “fun” hence the name Fundations.  This uses many of the same elements as the original Wilson Reading Program, but adds in handwriting and more practice opportunities to make the curriculum developmentally appropriate.

Reading Success- At Any Age

The Wilson Program was built to be used from grades two through adult.If you have an older child who is struggling with reading, the Wilson Program is respectful and does not make learning to read feel too childish for them. It will never be too late to build phonic and reading skills for a student. 

Team Tutor offers reading tutoring for any age and for any struggling reader. We believe in the Wilson Reading Program’s mission to help “students become fluent, independent readers, who are ready to explore the endless possibilities the world of reading has to offer.” You can learn more about the Wilson Reading Program from their website www.wilsonlanguage.com.

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